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Interactive Bubble Tube & Dice Control



The Interactive Bubble Tube is the perfect water based tube that uses switch access control. A very popular piece of sensory equipment that works well in an active sensory room. Using the Sensory Remote Control gives the user the ability to turn on and off the bubbles resulting in cause and effect learning as well as promoting visual tracking skills. There are four coloured buttons and one central white button (to control the bubbles) on the Sensory Remote Control, it is ideal for wheelchair· users because of its portability. Simply charge the controller when required using the included charge pack.

Using the Dice Remote Control is ideal for a more active sensory experience. The soft padding of the dice allows the user to roll the dice on the floor, the colour face it lands on will change the colour of the bubble tube to that corresponding colour. Using specially designed software the dice is able to track its movement to the colour of the bubble tube.

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